The weekend of the regatta in Szczecin will become an arena for a well-known event that has accompanied the regatta festivities in our city for many years. The seventh edition of the Festival of Brass Orchestras for the Cup of the President of the City of Szczecin (VII edycja Festiwalu Orkiestr Dętych o Puchar Prezydenta Miasta Szczecin) brings not only music, but also a lot of emotion and joy that stays in the memory of the participants for many years.
The almost magical atmosphere of the music has been with us since Friday morning. At 11 AM, from the Adam Mickiewicz Statue, a colorful and energetic march of brass bands departed. Artists dressed in fabulous, colorful uniforms marching proudly with their instruments is a sight that many residents eagerly await. A highlight of the day was the formal opening of the festival at the Solidarność Square (plac Solidarności), where the orchestras played the official melody of Szczecin together. The atmosphere in this place is always incredible - the square fills with sounds of harmony and rhythm, while every band brings something unique to this musical diversity.
In the late afternoon, around 5 PM, we invite everyone to the picturesque scenery of Park Kasprowicza. In the Helena Majdaniec Spring Theater (Teatr Letni im. Heleny Majdaniec), the bands will fully present their abilities to the audience.
We will meet the brass bands again on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, they will participate in the Crews Parade that begins its march at Jana z Kolna Street and finishes in the Spring Theater. Then, on Sunday at 12 PM next to the Dźwigozaury, we will witness a brass band parade. At 2 PM, on the Solidarność Square, an exhibition drill is planned, and at 4 PM the festival will come to an end.
Participating in the festival are: Youth Brass Band of OSP Krasocin with Dance Group "Aplauz," Commune Brass Band from Stara Błotnica with Majorettes, Model Children Brass Band "Aleksandriya" from Ukraine, Youth Brass Band of Śmigiel with Majorettes "Iris," OSP Brass Band of Koło with Dance Group "Gravity," Brass Band of Mszana Górna with Dance Group "MargoDance Team," Youth Brass Band of OSP Grójec, Youth Brass Band "Kujawia" from the club of the 1st Pomeranian Logistic Brigade in Bydgoszcz with Majorettes “Super Stars” from Płoty.
We invite you to attend.