News / Music cruise around the world!
What would sailing adventures be without shanties? This is also true about the grand finale of The Tall Ships Races 2024, where we will have a chance to hear the greatest sailing songs for three days on a dedicated stage which will be located at Gdyński Boulevard near the Customs Office.
Shanties, folk music, Celtic music, and romantic ballads will resound on stage between 2 and 4 August. The three days will be filled with performances by both local bands from Szczecin and guests from other regions of our country.
“Each day will begin with a concert by Szczecin Talents as part of the “3x1” project organised by Radio Szczecin,” says Celina Wołosz, Spokesperson for the Żegluga Szczecińska, Turystyka Wydarzenia company. “It is a series as part of which local music bands have a chance to demonstrate their skills on the Radio.”
The first one is Ikrek - a trio of exceptional multi-instrumentalists performing Fairytale Folk songs. They will be followed by other Szczecin-based ensembles: IGA’CKI Band, famous for playing their original sailing pieces, referring directly to the maritime and sailing atmosphere of Szczecin; in turn, Dair is the most Celtic music group in Szczecin, performing Scottish, Irish and Breton songs, and searching for inspiration in diverse music genres - from traditional inspirations to rock, punk, folk, or sung poetry. After Blues is a Szczecin band playing their original compositions and all-time blues classics. Next, the stage will be taken by folk and shanty bands - Ryczące dwudziestki, Queen Anne’s Revenge and Wikingowie, whose mission is to maintain and nurture the beautiful tradition of sailing songs. Cheap Tobacco will conclude the first day’s line-up.
Cheap Tobacco
On Saturday, music-making will begin with a concert by a rock band called Noisetree, performing as part of the Szczecin Talents series. They will be followed by a shanty band called Klang which will give a concert for children. We will stay in this maritime atmosphere during concerts by The Nierobbers, North Cape, Majtki Bosmana and Flash Creep. The evening will be taken by an exceptional concert by “Zawisza Czarny” Men’s Shanty Choir. The event will be concluded with a performance by Atlantyda, known for traditional sailing songs with guitar accompaniment, after which the stage will be closed by Chango, an ensemble of four musicians merging the elements of funk, jazz, rock, and blues in their music.
Flash Creep
“Sunday with begin again with Szczecin Talents and Queenkutee,” added Celina Wołosz.
The regatta audience will also have a chance to hear Kraków Street Band, known for performing music at the boundary of folk, rock, blues, country, and traditional jazz. We will also listen to Perły i Łotry, a band performing traditional shanty and folk music, including traditional seagoing work songs performed a cappella.
Perły i Łotry
On this day, we will also have an opportunity to see the bands that are scheduled to give concerts on previous days. It will be a great chance for those who will not be able to make it to their shows on Friday and Saturday. The following groups will play for the audience again: "Zawisza Czarny” Men's Shanty Choir, North Cape, The Nierobbers, Wikingowie, Klang, and Flash Creep.